More….Simply More

July 29, 2015

We were introduced to the “Changing the Face of Beauty” campaign by one of our customers that had won a giveaway on our Facebook page. Laura sent in an email thanking me for the outfit and asked if I knew of the campaign. I started research right away, my first thought was what a great cause for our company to be a part of.  I immediately started working through all the details for our company to qualify to be a part. Everything was set, Miss Harper was scheduled to be in our July photo shoot.
 And then I met Miss Harper…she walked up and said Hi Miss Tammy and she had my heart in her hands.
 Let me tell you about her, she is the sweetest, cutest little two year old.  She can wrap you around her little finger in about a minute. Does she have a disability called Down syndrome? Yes. Can she change the world?? Oh Yes!
 She will show you that anyone can do anything if you try. She will show you that a simple smile can make a difference. She will show you that world is not perfect, but neither are we.  She is truly changing the face of beauty and I am honored that she is a part of the Adorable Essential’s modeling family.   Thank you Miss Harper for making me want more out of life for our company and my children.  Simply More.
Changing the Face of Beauty -
Photo by Fresh Art Photography and Fresh Art Studios 
Shirts by Adorable Essentials and Personalitees Screen Printing



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